Notion-Like Formatter
May 1, 2022

Notion-like Email Formatting

Notion took the world by storm and we still write boring-ass emails today... or hyper-styled HTML emails via email builders. Why is there no Notion for email? Well... there is now!

In my previous job I found myself writing tons of emails to key stakeholders where this was their preferred mode of communication and the only way to get hold of. To catch their attention, I would do everything: record videos, optimize my notion pages to the last bit to get my stakeholders to stay on the page, but all of that depended on them clicking into my PRD link in the first place.

Thus, this Chrome Extension was born. I partnered with my friend Aishah who wanted to gain more experience in design and research, and I took over frontend. I devised a way to build this extension without support for any backend, adding in tracking for what elements our beta-users would use-the most. I then optimized the experience for them.

The hardest part was definitely manipulating Google Mail's UI, which was very fickle to work with.

What is it in a nutshell?

A chrome extension on top of Gmail. Notion Mail Formatter allows you to easily embed rich-text sections in your email with the same look and feel as everyone's favorite documentation tool Notion.

Why does this exist?

  • A lot of business communication still happens over email. Large amounts and crucial information gets transmitted via Email, yet Email does not help us present it neatly.
  • For years, companies have utilised tools to create effective email communications for their customers, but there is no solution to make it easy accessible for every day communication.
  • Wow your co-workers by presenting your information beautifully and more comprehensible with the new notion-like formatting options.
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